Saturday, 26 July 2008

After all

Not blogging for FEW days?!

I was having my surgery in the past few weeks
which kinda hurt..and swollen.
My mouth cant even open
So how can i brush my teeth!?
No way..
Been smelly for few days.
I was taking off my wisdom teeth all at once
Which is 4 of it.
You cant make it after you try!
Go to try it now.. =)
I'm still a healthy girl here.. haha

Yesterday was my nightmare.
After met up my friend at her practicing of dance
We walk through chinatown from Soho.
A long long walk but i feel real comfortable.
Cause of the weather was pretty!
We went to Terrafic Cafe to have our dinner.
I only have a bun in the morning and nothing else.
I felt hungry but i ...I didnt have the mood to eat
Just a little piece of toast and glass of green tea.

Well, cheung k with "The New Friends".
They were....
And so on....

I felt want to throw up and there is no reason.
I don't know how to play dice
So i just sat there..and... no singing.
I will never give a F to hanging out for this kind of gathering.
Return home at 1ish am.
Then the girl who attend the ktv also was calling me
Talk about S and she jus want to show off
She just want to showing me that she know him well?
what the hell? Do you think i'm really care?
If he is Edison Chan then i do but he's not.
And you don't give a respect to guys.
I think u're none.
Who you think you are?
A queen? ya right, Cb queen then.

And today go to chinatown again
My friends just want to hang out
And there is no reason too
From Grand Street to Canal Street
It is terrible.
But thats alright
And I get a call from stupid cinamayi on the way
-I could skip this part..-
Then having our lunch in a hongkong restaurant
Its expensive and today i spend alot.
We are finding entertainment to join

I really dislike crazy people..
I don't even know u much and we just chat once
How can u keep guessing of what i'm thinking?
How can u keep on bla bla -ing non-sense?
You're making me sick.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Ugly Doll

My current new pet!^^
His name is Ice bat
What im gonna call him?
Decide it soon...
But he is really cute!^^
Although he is an ice bat, he has a warmy heart!
( the intro said so = =)
Ugly doll in soho^^
Having his green tea frapuchino

I'm having a good mood^^
Went to Chinatown,Soho,Flushing on yesterday.
We were searching our new jobs
Sometimes, we're not matching with the requirement =(
Also, we get know 2 new friends!
Nice to meet cha!=)

Having our lunch + breakfast in Green tea cafe
This is really smelly...pollute our noodle T.T

Wednesday, 9 July 2008


Who is that?

I hate you guys...

Sunday, 6 July 2008

My summer is bored

Doing as usual..
Nothing special since I graduated
Rules and regulation..
cycling around..
Which is real BORED!
Jus like what my English teacher said:" newyork will never be bored"
But i feel it! I really do..
Can you image it?
How lonely i am= =!
Just... L-A-Z-Y

Stay home is the best thing to do.
Save money
Stay with white skin
Sleep all day long
But i will eat like a pig behave = =

Shower with fresh milk
Just wanted to turn into white skin as I had

The luggage allow us to bring only 50lbs each person
Shit! Its annoying....
What can i do to my belongings?=(

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Independence day


America's Independence Day

Stop the fireworks, you make me cant fall asleep.

Thursday, 3 July 2008


Look at this..
My diploma!
Although its only a high school graduater..
But i feel so proud
Cause mine one have a yellow stamp on it!^^
Which is ADVANCED DIPLOMA! *dadadada*

finish to show off..

Waiting for the Independence day..

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Blog on the wrong date

Stupid me..
Blog on June 30 = =
But its Malaysia time..
My birthday is on July 1st!!
Also, i have to re-blog it!
Cause I'm freaking kiasu and cannot miss this day!^^

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

19 years old

Happy birthday to me

Whose give me a greet i'm kindly appreciate!
actually i couldn't list out all of them=D
Since my memory got some ...problem!

But Joan's words was painting my life^^
she said she will re-celebrate my birthday SHIOK SHIOK-ly
How nice... =)
anyway, thanks!^^
super kiasu jiayi wants to said happy birthday to me two time
malaysia's time and usa's time =.=''
Let you be the kiasu queen!
yukii was calling me , but i miss it! thanks for you msg^^
and also the cutie pie - yuting who miss the laksa and nasilemak in taiwan was sending me a msg too^^
thanks thanks thanks

Sorry 'bout those people i didn't mention over here ^^

Kaixin happy birthday^^
Lin Yoga happy birthday^^

Searching for my new life....=)