Its killing me but i like the way it kills =)
My ass throw up all the solid-liquid
Its nice though, i like it much more XD
Cause, this is the way to get slim
After that just facing my computer..
Chit-chat with friends
and get know Avril Lavigne's concert in malaysia had been cancelled.
Malaysia will never be open, I hate the way it is.
Like a babi even they dont eat it
Get ready to Flushing and prepare for my interview
Oh.. im going to late -.-
I hate people who are late but i like to be late
People are blocking my way when i m in hurry
They're so SLOW!
walking like climbing
I cut across those people and i feel proud of myself that im so small XD
The interview is nothing
Just get to know each other(boss)
So now the only thing i can do is waiting for her call
I cant wait for it =(
Hope that she will hire me!
Meet up with Momo after her class had ended.
Then we're enjoying our High Tea time
Walk around the mall etc...
nothing Special then I go to her house
To see the little hamster
I miss mine hamster..it has dead since long time ago ==
They're look alike..
Go to macy's
aim on everything that r freaking fancy
but money is the most fancy thing that i needed
Meet up with leo and we go to st. mark
far far far away..
return home at 1ish..
buck up boy
high heel is killing my feet
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