Tasty tasty yummy yummy
This is what we're spending our best time today.
Head to Katherine house to see our God daughter.
Actually i wish im young, but Im god mother anyway = =|| Sweat a lot huh!
You know.. in my mind i think i was freaking 16 years old !
After kaciao baby, we head to Jen house to kaciao her baby sis=D
Oh Mable. I love you so muchhhh!!
You are mine =D
Then We went to Singapore by Jen's Big BLACK!
I feel like we just spend a little tiny time to get there =D
Without walk walk walk, This is how we save our time!!!!
The Natural is pretty!
How Green... Extremely relax
But... The mosquito keeps on biting me!!! its A LOT!
And sweat and hot.. weather is bad = =!
alright, when 6 oclock, there are so many customer waiting outside.
We're freaking early maybe the first to reach there but we're hanging around.
Yummy moment is coming..
To be continue...